Monday 5 November 2012


Assalam-Alaikum Parents,
              Here is a quick update on what is happening this week in our class:
1) Swimming tomorrow- Please do not forget to send the essentials with the students (swim wear, towel, etc.)
2) Habitat Presentation- We have worked long and hard on this project and it is finally coming to an end. The kids researched, gathered information, and created a bristal board to show their findings. Presentations will be happening this Wednesday and they will be marked with the rubric that will be sent home today
3) Physical Region Assignment- The students worked approximately 2 weeks to create a handout about a physical region they researched on. They will present their handout to the class on Thursday.
4) Math test- The Data Management math test will be this Thursday. It will cover everything we learned in chapter 3.
5) Writing test- This term we have been focusing on 5 paragraph essays. Many of the projects given in language arts circulated around that idea. On Wednesday, the students will be given a topic and they will have to write 5 paragraphs (introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion) based on that topic. They're writing should include variety of descriptive words, proper sentence structure and format.

 If you have any questions please dont hesitate to email me. JazakAllah-Khairan!