Thursday 28 March 2013

Have a great Long-Weekend!!

Language: Comm skills pg 44-45 + All question cards completed for game by Tuesday
Math: Pg 274 #1-8

Tuesday 26 March 2013


Language: All Charlotte Web questions due tomorrow (for game)
Math: Page 267 #2-6
Castles and Cathedrals Test tomorrow
Health: Nutrients Assignment due tomorrow

Monday 25 March 2013

Charlotte's Web Assignment

Assalam-Alaikum Parents,
            As you may know we are finished reading Charlotte's Web. The students had their final test today and their last task is the final project before we wrap up this unit. Students will have to create a game that will allow others to successfully learn about the story of Charlotte’s Web. Here is a detailed outline that was handed out today.

Language Arts

Charlotte’s Web Trivia Game


1.   Your assignment is to design a game to be played by other students that will allow them to successfully learn about the story of Charlotte’s Web.

2.   In group of four, you will organize your research and material into a board game. Suggested formats include:

a.    Jeopardy,

b.   Trivia

c.    Pursuit

d.   Monopoly

e.    Snakes and ladders

f.     others


3.   In your game, you must develop questions that cover ALL the chapters from Charlotte’s Web (you can use cue cards) for a total of 30 – 40 questions for your game. Design cards with questions on one side and answers on the other.

4.   Be sure to include all necessary pieces, colors to make it interesting and ensure that your group test the games prior to the game fair. (Possible pieces include: labeled board game, task cards, dice, timer, different player pieces etc).

5.   Include symbols, graphics, and logos on your card. Make them colorful. Mount them on hard paper so they will be durable. Laminate it if possible.

6.   This game is to be as realistic as possible and therefore must also have a set of detailed TYPED INSTRUCTIONS and should describe how your game meets all required components of a successfully marketed board game.

There will be class time/ computer time to work on your board game.  Any material needed for the project, must be brought to class in order to work on the board game.  You will have six periods to use towards the project, use them wisely. 

DUE DATE: April 5th 2013                        GAME FAIR: April 10th 2012

Friday 22 March 2013


Language Arts: Charlotte's web test + summary
Math: Page 263 # A-3
Islamic Studies: Pg 50-52 in workbook

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Homework :)

Language: Page 68 of Comm skills + Color in word ribbons
Numeracy: Problem of the Week
Social Studies: Test next Wednesday on Parts of a Castle and Cathedrals
Health: Nutrients table due next Wednesday

Tuesday 19 March 2013



Monday 18 March 2013

Welcome Back !!

Language: Vocab sheet + Spelling Test Friday + Comm skills page 32-33
Math Test Wednesday on Chapter 9 + Page 258 #1-5+ Worksheet
Islamic Studies: Poster due Tomorrow

Thursday 7 March 2013

March Break Assignment

Here is the assignment for March Break. It is due Monday March 18th, 2013.


Grade 4: Writing A Reflective Journal based on March Break
Reflective ‘writing’ is a series of 'writings' in response to life experiences & events that may also contains reflections on what took place, express emotions, and lessons learned. This is often done in a journal entry.
You don't have to be a great writer or a creative thinker to keep a personal journal. Just regularly write down your experiences and thoughts.
Why do we write Reflective Journals?
Lots of people keep journals as part of their hobbies! How many of the following journals have you kept? Bird watching, Gardening, Idea files, Trip diary, Dream journal, Book journal, Blogs, and of course vacation (March Break!). When we refer to reflective journals we are exploring our learning and a reflective journal entry is a conversation with yourself. 
Your Task:
Your task is to write a reflective journal on the activities you did during the March Break. Your Journal must be 1-2 pages long and consist of the four main components listed below.
Objective Data
Describe a situation: what did you see, hear, taste, smell, and touch?
Reflective Data
Describe your reaction; often an emotion or a feeling. This is what tells you the situation is important and worth writing about.
Interpretive Data
Try to explain what you have observed. Use some concept from the course here!
Decisional Data
Make a plan about what you will do differently (or the same) the next time you are in a similar situation or what you need to learn to do differently to manage the situation better the next time! This part of your journal entry should be stated in terms of a SMART Goal (goals for your next break).




          TOMORROW IS INTERNATIONAL DAY!! - Come to school in your best Traditional Outfits!! You know I will :)

Great website for students to play math games over the March Break.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


Language: Spelling Sentences due Friday
Science: Mineral Research Worksheet
Numeracy: Problem of the Week

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Science Glossary


Monday 4 March 2013


Language: Spelling test + sentences due Friday & Charlotte Web Questions
Math: Page 241 # 2-4 + Worksheet
Science: Glossary Due Wednesday
Numeracy: Problem of the Week
Islamic Studies: Poster on what breaks prayer due tomorrow (rough draft)


A note from Tr. Samia

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Alhamdullah we are in the middle of  Surat AlJinn now ,please encourage your child to practice the Surah.

 To practice Quran with your child please use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar:  



Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of February

1.Somaya S.
2.Aseel A.
3.Yasmeen A.
4.Dana A

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.


Multicultural Day Friday!

Assalam-Alaikum Parents,

        As you may know it is Multicultural Day on Friday and the grade 4's will be having a potluck lunch. It would be great if students can bring a dish that is known in their culture and share a taste with the class. Students are highly recommended to come to school in their cultural clothing! JazakAllah-Khairan.


Friday 1 March 2013

Great Website!

       As we know our kids love the computer! So why not get them reading and expanding their vocabulary while using it! Here is a great website to broaden and enhance their vocabulary to help them in both reading and writing.










Language: Summary Worksheet + Charlotte's Web "What's the problem" worksheet
Numeracy: Problem of the Week
Science: Glossary Due Next Wednesday