Friday 2 November 2012

A message from Quran teacher (Tr. Samia)


.This week we had a test on all of Surat Al.Qiamah This test was on Tajweed rules ,reading rules and memorization of the whole surah ,I sent a Quran rubric of this test with your child so please sign it and send it back. We will start reciting and memorizing Surat Al.Muddather Insha Allah.To practice the surah with your child please  use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar:  


 Congratulation to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of October: 

1.Wajeeh  Khan
2.Bessan  Amer
3.Somya  Sassi
4.Maryam  Felfel
5.Yunus Abu-Oshaiba


Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.


Tr. Samia