Dear Parents,
My name is Hadia Arabi Katbi. I am your child’s
Quran teacher. In this welcoming letter, I ask Allah Almighty to make this
school year a successful one, and to help us make the Quran reach our
children’s tongues and hearts. My utmost goal in my classroom is to make your
child learn how to read the Quran properly Inshallah.
Also, your child will be memorizing some Suras
of the Quran.
I will keep you
informed of your child’s progress in memorization and learning through the student
agenda which will be the main communication line between me and the parents. On
a weekly basis, you will find in the agenda the ayas we plan to study
and memorize and when the ayas are due for testing. Please do check the
agenda at least once a week to check on your child progress as I will write
notes and comments in case your child is not progressing.
with your help, support and feedback, you will notice a big difference in your
child’s Quran reciting. Please feel free to contact me through the school
number or my email.
Wassalamo Allikum
Hadia Arabi Katbi
(Quran Teacher)
Sept. 19th,