Wednesday 10 September 2014

First Week of School

             Welcome to our sweet Classroom (Grade 4A)
Assalamu Alaikom Dear Parents,
Alhamdullelah, we have made it through the first week of school, and our class seems to be off to a great start. I was excited to see familiar faces and a few new students who I am sure will help make our school even better. I know we are going to have a super year.
Throughout the last week, we’ve worked to build a respectful classroom environment, have finished discussing our classroom rules, and are currently involved in taking care of our classroom.
As the year is just starting I have included a few details in this note to help us get going.
We have two nutrition breaks during the day (09:55 – 10:00, 11:35- 11:55). Our classroom is a nut-free room. The following website offers good tips for lunches:
Please talk to your son or daughter about good food choices and about what they like to eat. Be sure to talk about whether or not they have enough food for the two breaks. Kids are often very hungry by the second break.
Thanks for bringing your supplies. Generally, everyone seems to have everything they’ll need for the first part of the year. Throughout the year, please ask your son or daughter if they need more pencils or erasers. Indoor shoes that fit and stay properly on the feet are important for their safety.
Student agendas are a great way to communicate between home and school. Students will write in important events and reminders as well as any homework they might have. Please feel free to write notes to me using the agenda. I ask that an adult look over the agenda each night and sign it. Use the agenda as a discussion point with your son or daughter.
Students will list any homework in the student agenda. Please take the time to sit and review homework with your son or daughter. I encourage you to ask them to talk over what they are doing as this will help them to review and understand the material.
Look over their work for accuracy, neatness and completeness. It is important that your son or daughter see you involved and interested in their learning. Let them see that you have and input in helping them be successful students.
I am looking forward to a wonderful and successful year insha’Allah.