Tuesday 2 December 2014

A note from Tr. Hadia

Dear Parents;

Mashallah the students in grade 4 have finished memorizing Surat al inssan, they were tested on the whole surah and its new vocabulary last week and did awesome! 

To apply our new school theme (Love Live and ​Learn Islam) we tried to have on big idea from the Surah and reflect on it.

The big idea we learned from Surat Al-Insan was the generosity of Allah (Swt) and the beautiful reward the righteous will have in Janna (Ayas 5-22)

As an activity reflecting this , the learnt that houses in Janna will be built out of bricks of Gold and Silver, to get the image a little closer to the students, I made them lemon Jello with golden edible glitter on top, stack them up looking like bricks. Afterwards we ate this yummy snack and had fun, I attached some photos for you :)

As a second activity, they wrote down 3 things they want to wish for in Janna nshallah, to connect them more to Janna. 

Some of the cute things they wrote were : 

1. See the prophet Muhammad PBUH
2.I want a servant that gives me Milk
3.I want a Bugatti
4.I want lots of toys
5. I want lots of legos
6.I want a pet duck
7.I want to fly
8.I want a world of balloons to pop
9.I want the biggest I-pad in the world
10.I want an ice cream sandwich palace.
11.I want a laser vision
12.I want a Siberian Tiger pet.
13. I want a marshmallow amusement park
14.I want to become invisible

May Allah help us connect those kids with Quraan and let their hearts be attached to Janna Inshalla.

Best Regards;

Tr. Hadia Arabi Katbi
Quraan Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 | fx. 613-226-2745
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