Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Updates from Tr. Amina

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents,

I would like  to inform that grade 4 students have a small project on a french speaking country of their choice, whether French is a first language or a common language due to the country history. The due date is Monday, January 13, 2014
 I am attaching the details of the project.
We studied a text in class about  Senegal and students can use it as a model.

Just a few reminders that:
  •  this is the student work (if any help is needed, they can ask me any time) not parents' work.
  • students are required to write directly in French even if the sentences are not perfect or contain some English vocabulary
  • students are required to write their own sentences that they understand.
  • students can not copy French sentences from any website. This is called plagiarism.
  • students are not allowed to write in English and use Google translator (it will show) but they can use the on-line dictionary to translate some words.
Jazakum Allah kheiran for your cooperation and support,

Amina Ould-brahim, OCT, PhD
French teacher and Science Coordinator

Projet de Français : Un pays francophone

Projet : Un Pays francophone de ton choix
En suivant le texte qu’on a fait en classe sur le Sénégal, ton projet doit avoir les informations suivantes :
·        Le nom du pays, le drapeau et la carte.
·        La position géographique, le climat, les villes (3 à 4 phrases)
·        La nourriture et les vêtements (3 à 4 phrases)
·        L’éducation. (3 à 4 phrases)
·        Un problème qu’il y a dans ce pays. (3 à 4 phrases)

  Ton projet doit avoir aussi des dessins, images ou photos. Tu peux imprimer  des images des  sites de l’internet.
Tu peux présenter ton projet sous forme :
·        D’un poster ou d’un petit livret.
Tu peux découper et décorer ton livret ou ton poster.
Utilise ton imagination et ta créativité.
The project can be typed or handwritten. The pictures can be drawn or taken from internet. Write also the references of your information.
Write directly in French. No translation using google translator is allowed.
Students are evaluated:
·        on the sentences, spelling mistakes (if there are too much),
·        neatness
·         originality and creativity.