Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents and Eid Mubarak!
Time is just flying by and we are already in October and Eid
Al Adha is at our door.
So far we are working on our daily vocabulary, using it in
sentences, questions and answers. Al Hamdulillah, students are gaining slowly
confidence in speaking French in class.
We started our first story “L’Arbre Ungali”. We gestured it
and read and students have a good understanding of the plot. We will be working
on reading comprehension and writing activities after the Eid break, Insha’a
Students also had their first spelling test on Monday,
October 7, 2013 and Masha’a Allah many of them did very well.
The French Long Range Plan is posted for your reference.
May Allah reward you with His Blessings and I wish you and your
family a happy Eid.

Amina Ould-brahim

Abraar School
Long Range Plan
Grades 3, 4 and 5
School year: 2013-2014
Amina Ould-brahim, OCT
PhD, B.Ed.
teacher, Science Coordinator
Yearly plan …………………………………………………………………...
Time table ………………………………………………...………………….
Grade 3 ……………………………………………………………………
Grade 4 ……………………………………………………………………
Grade 5 ……………………………………………………………………
Resources :
1- Ontario
Curriculum : French as a second language
2- Supporting
Teaching and Learning in core French , Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3, 2010, OCDSB
3- L’Envolée
du Français : Editions à reproduire, Edition de l’envolée.
4- Aim
Language curriculum:
Student book, teacher resource
book, C.D, DVD
5- Jeux
7- Popular
Book Company (Canada Ltd. ( 2012), Complete French Smart,
Curriculum - Yearly Plan
September - November
December -
March - June
Grade 3
Les Trois petits cochons
Les Trois petits cochons / Le chat et la lune
Le chat et la lune
Grade 4
L’arbre Ungali
L’arbre Ungali / Les animaux du Bayou
Les animaux du Bayou
Grade 5
Un Jour Bizarre
Un Jour Bizarre / Chat Angora
Chat Angora
Grade 3
By the end of Grade 6, students will:
• A1. Listening to Understand: listen in order to demonstrate understanding of French oral text
• A2. Listening to Interact: use listening skills and strategies in French, in order to participate
in classroom activities
• B1. Speaking to Deliver a Message: communicate information orally in French
• B2. Speaking to Interact: use speaking skills and strategies in French with teachers and peers
• C1. Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate understanding of a
variety of French language text, applying a range of strategies to construct meaning
• C2. Reading with Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read French with fluency
• D. Writing to Communicate: use strategies appropriate for beginning writers
Unit Description
Specific Expectations
Term 1
half term2
-Story 1: Les Trois Petits Cochons
In this
traditional story, the three little pigs set out to build their own houses.
The first built a house of straw, the second built a house of wood and the
third built a house of bricks. The wolf arrives at each house and blows down
the 2 first houses because they are built out of weak material. The first and
the second pigs each run to the brick house of the third pig that put a pot
of hot soup on the fire. When the wolf comes to blow down the third house, he
cannot because it is made of bricks. He climbs to the roof and goes down the
chimney but he falls into the pot of hot soup and leaves the house, running
out of the door. The three pigs happily wave good bye to the wolf as he runs
activities :
Ø Gesture teaching:
Word – gesture association to carry the word meaning.
Ø Gesture teaching and review.
Ø Kinesthetic
review for high - frequency words (mainly use for diagnostic assessment)
Ø Play
rehearsal: teacher introduces the play with puppets.
Ø Play
rehearsal with gestures
Ø View the
play on DVD.
Ø Play
questions ; use of ça, c’est
Ø Play
rehearsal: reading the story.
Ø Choisis le
bon mot: oral and written.
Ø Mets
les mots en ordre; oral and written, sentence structure.
Ø Les
phrases bizarres: reading comprehension
Ø Questions
totals: oral and written (question – statement).
Ø Les
questions partielles: sentence structure and analyzing information.
Ø Retelling
the story.
Language Conventions ;
Ø Spelling
of some high frequency – words.
Ø Orthography
of the sounds o (o, eau, au), ou, f, ph.
Ø Use of
complete sentences in oral and writing.
Ø Question
with “est-ce que..?” orally and writing (recognition).
Ø Masculin
– feminin : le, la, un, une
Ø Personal
pronouns : je, tu, il, elle
Use of some common verbs in oral expressionand
reading. (avoir,
etre, pouvoir, vouloir, jouer, boire, manger, ecouter, oublier,dessiner,
colorier, ecrire, lire, travailler)
3A1.1: Identify words and/or phrases in order
to understand oral French text
3A1.2: Demonstrate understanding of short
oral French text, presented clearly and at a deliberate pace by familiar
3A2.1: Listen to information provided in French by face-to-face speakers in
order to respond to factual questions.
3B1.1: Communicate orally in
French using words and/or complete sentences while participating in classroom
3B1.2: Respond orally in French to a variety of text to convey information
3C1.1: Begin to recognize and/or read a variety of familiar French
words and/or phrases and demonstrate
3C1.2: Identify different purposes for reading and choose different forms of
French reading materials appropriate for those purposes
3C1.3: Identify reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during,
and/or after reading to understand text
3C1.4: Demonstrate understanding of French
text by retelling a story and/or restating information from a text
3C2.1: Begin to recognize and/or read words from their French
oral repertoire in a variety of
reading contexts
3D1: Spell some familiar French words correctly and use a variety of
strategies to spell unfamiliar words.
3D1.2:Begin to write simple messages in French
using a combination of pictures, symbols, letters, words and/or sentences
review: teacher does the gestures and students say the
words and do the gestures.
class work.
class participation
French spontaneously with teacher and peers.
( subject to modification)
Test 1: choisis le bon
mot, les mots en ordre and vocabulary
Test 2 : Les
questions totales
Test 3 : Les
questions partielles.
Oral test : retelling
the story
Term 3
half term 2
-Story 2: Le chat et la lune
story is an adaptation of a traditional fairy tale. A cat sees the reflection
of the moon in the water and thinks that the moon has fallen in. Each of the
dog, the sheep and the horse want to help but they all think the moon has
fallen in the water because they see that its reflection is still in the
water. The fur animals run to the castle to speak to the king. He follows the
animal to the water and he also sees the moon in the water. The king, who is
an intelligent man, thinks how to solve the problem. While he is thinking, he
looks up to the sky. The animals follow his gaze and see the moon in the sky. The king tells them
then that the moon is always in the sky. The animals are so happy that they
hug the king and thank him for having shown them that the moon has not fallen
into the water.
activities :
Same activities as the first unit and
Ø Games:
frappe les mots (teacher says or gestures a word and one student finds it on
the board), competitions between groups: teacher gestures an expression and
the group must say it., Madame dit (version of Simon says).
Ø Story
retelling: class cooperative writing.
Language structures:
activities as the first unit and
Ø Les
contraires (the opposites)
Ø The use
of: mais, alors, et.
Ø Adjectives:
form masculine and feminine (e)
Ø Plural
with s
Same as unit one plus:
3A1.3: Use information and ideas from oral
French text in order to make simple predictions
and/or inferences
3A2.2: Listen to information provided in
French by face-to-face speakers in order to respond with personal ideas
and/or opinions
3B2.1: Use information and ideas to engage in guided and/or spontaneous
interaction in
French in familiar contexts
3B2.2: Use verbal cues, non-verbal cues and/or visual aids to engage in
guided and/or spontaneous interaction in French in familiar contexts
3C2.2: Begin to predict the meaning of and read unfamiliar French words using
different types of cues – semantic (meaning), syntactic (language structure)
and/or graphophonic (phonological
and graphic
3C2.3: Begin to read familiar French language words and/or text with expression
and/or without hesitation
3D1: Spell some familiar French words correctly and use a variety of
strategies to spell unfamiliar words.
3D1.2: Begin to write simple messages in French
using a combination of pictures, symbols, letters, words and/or sentences.
3D1.3: Begin to experiment with a variety of
simple writing forms for different purposes in a variety of contexts
Diagnostic and formative are the same as
first unit.
(subject to modification)
Test 1: choisis le bon
mot, les mots en ordre and vocabulary
Test 2 : Les questions totales
oral and written
Test 3 : Les
questions partielles. Choisis le bon mot oral
Oral test : retelling
the story
Play presentation
in the cooperative writing.
Maybe a
final writing project?
Grade 4
By the end of Grade 4, students will:
• talk about familiar topics, using very
simple phrases and sentences;
• listen to short, very simple oral
texts, and respond to specific simple questions;
• read a variety of very simple
materials, 50 to 100 words long, containing basic learned vocabulary, and
demonstrate understanding;
• write very simple texts and responses
following a model;
• identify and use the vocabulary and
the grammar and language conventions appropriate for this grade level.
Unit description
Curriculum Expectations
Term 1
Half term 2
-Story 1: L’arbre Ungali
The story
is adapted from a traditional African tale that takes place during a drought.
At the beginning of the story, animals express their concerns over of rain.
They look for a solution to their problem. The turtle proposes to seek the
lion ‘help because he is the king. The cheetah goes first because he is the
fastest of them. He sees the lion who tells him that he should go to the
magic tree *Arbre Ungali* and the magic tree can help the animals. But on his
way, he falls, forgets the name of the tree and returns back to the animals.
Each animal takes turn in going to the Lion but they all fall in their way to
the tree and forget its name because they run very fast. Finally, it’s the
turtle turn to go to the lion and she is able to make it to the tree because
it walks and talk to it. The tree tells the turtle to return to its friends
and to tell them that it has spoken to the tree. The turtle returns to its
friends. As it tells them about the tree, it starts raining.
PS. We
have a discussion about this story with the students questioning about the
magic of the tree. The purpose of the discussion is to have students award
that the power is to God not to anyone or anything else.
activities :
Ø Gesture
teaching: Word – gesture association to carry the word meaning.
Ø Gesture teaching and review.
Ø Kinesthetic
review for high - frequency words (mainly use for diagnostic assessment)
Ø Play
rehearsal: teacher introduces the play with gesture
Ø Play rehearsal with gestures
Ø Reading
the play with gestures
Ø Play total
questions oral
Ø View the
play on DVD.
Ø Play
rehearsal: reading the story.
Ø Choisis le
bon mot: oral and written.
Ø Mets
les mots en ordre; oral and written, sentence structure.
Ø Les
phrases bizarres: reading comprehension
Ø Questions
totals: oral and written (question – statement).
Ø Les
questions partielles: sentence structure and analyzing information.
Ø French
Africa cultural activity.
Ø Retelling
the story. Cooperative writing
Ø Story
extension. Cooperative creative writing
Ø Games:
competition between groups, Madame dit…
Language structures:
Ø Some
verbs at the present tense. Avoir, etre , first group
Ø Noun:
masculine, feminine. Singular, plural
Ø Adjectives:
masculine, feminine. Singular, plural
Ø Articles
le, la, les, un, une, des.
Ø Prépositions :
sur, sous, dans, de
Ø Interrogative
construction (est-ce que, combien, pourquoi, etc.)
Ø The
Ø Double
verb construction. Oral
Ø Mais,
peut-être, et, alors, puis, dommage
4O1: follow basic classroom instructions;
4O2: ask very
simple questions, and ask for
repetition to clarify
4O3: use visual
and verbal cues to understand
what they hear, following repetition
(e.g., gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice);
4O4: use some
conventions of oral language (e.g., pronunciation, intonation) to speak in
rehearsed contexts;
4O5: respond
briefly to oral texts (e.g., answer
short, simple questions; act out the
words of a song);.
4O6: give an oral
presentation of up to five sentences in length (e.g., a description of
skits, songs);
4R1: read aloud
familiar material, using correct
and intonation;
4R2: read at
least six simple passages or stories
greeting cards, song lyrics),
4R3: read and
respond briefly to written materials
(e.g., answer short questions, fill in
missing words, draw a picture, select answers);
4W1: copy and write
simple words, phrases, and
short sentences and questions, using basic
vocabulary and very simple language
4W2: write responses to very simple questions;.
4W3: write, using a
model, a first draft and corrected version in guided and cooperative
writing tasks
(e.g., greeting cards);
4W4: use and spell the vocabulary
appropriate for this grade level.
Diagnostic and
review: teacher does the gestures and students say the
words and do the gestures.
class work.
class participation
French spontaneously with teacher and peers.
(subject to modification)
Test 1: choisis le bon
mot, les mots en ordre and vocabulary
Test 2 : Les questions totales
oral and written
Test 3 : Les
questions partielles. Choisis le bon mot oral
Oral test : retelling
the story.
Play presentation
in the cooperative writing.
Maybe a
final writing project?
Tem 3
Half Term 2
-Story 2: Les animaux du bayou
story is about friendship. The animals that live in the bayou are all good
friends and enjoy spending time together. It’s Suzie the mouse birthday and
on this special occasion she wants to spend time with her friends. Her
friends, the lizard, Louis the frog and the alligator are sick or busy and
refuse to invite her over in their houses. Very sad, the mouse returns to her
place and to her surprise, when she opens the door of her house, all her
friends greet her with presents and a party.
activities :
Same as first story, plus
Ø Les
phrases coupées (Reading comprehension)
Ø Past
tense of the high-frequency verbs (oral)
Ø Describe
a picture and draw it
Language structures:
Ø Double
verb construction using verbs (implicit)
Ø Negative
form “ne……pas”
Ø Question
form ”Est-ce que..?
Ø Expression “parce que…”
Same as
first unit, plus:
4O7: make simple revisions to oral language
form and content (e.g., correct use of
(gender), using feedback from the teacher.
4R4: use all available cues (e.g.,
visual cues,
knowledge of basic sounds, and
context) to determine meaning.
Same as first story
Grade 5
By the end of Grade 5, students will:
• listen to and talk about short, simple
oral texts dealing with familiar topics;
• read a variety of simple materials,
100 to 150 words long, and demonstrate understanding;
• write ideas and facts, or provide
written responses to simple questions, using simple sentences;
• identify and use the vocabulary and
the grammar and language conventions appropriate for this grade level.
Unit description
Curriculum Expectations
Term 1 + Half of Term 2
-Story 1: Un Jour bizarre
In this
story Brigitte, a girl who lives in Moncton, wakes up to find herself in a
strange forest. She is frightened and she tries to go home. She decides to
start walking and she comes across heroes from the well-known children story
Cinderella, the beauty and the Beast and Peter Pan. She helps each one to
solve his /her problem. After that, Brigitte finds a pair of bright red
shoes. When she puts them on and within second she is back in her bed. Then
she hears her mother waking her up for school. She gives a big hug to her
mother and says that she just had a very strange dream. Her mother asks her
to tell her all about it.
Ø Gesture
teaching: Word – gesture association to carry the word meaning.
Ø Gesture teaching and review.
Ø Kinesthetic
review for high - frequency words (mainly use for diagnostic assessment)
Ø Play
rehearsal: teacher introduces the play with gesture
Ø Play rehearsal with gestures
Ø Reading
the play with gestures
Ø Play total
questions oral
Ø View the
play on DVD.
Ø Play
rehearsal: reading the story.
Ø Choisis le
bon mot: oral and written.
Ø Vrai ou
Faux :reading comprehension
Ø Mets
les mots en ordre; oral and written, sentence structure.
Ø Cultural
activity (Les Acadiens)
Ø Les
phrases coupées.
Ø Les
phrases bizarres: reading comprehension
Ø Complete
the sentence.
Ø Rimming
Ø Questions
totals: oral and written (question – statement).
Ø Les
questions partielles: sentence structure and analyzing information.
Ø French
Africa cultural activity.
Ø Retelling
the story. Cooperative writing
Ø Story
extension. Cooperative creative writing
Games: competition between
groups, Madame dit
Reading the play quickly
Play presentation
Language structures:
Ø Statements:
using complete sentences
Ø Interrogative
sentences (pourquoi, a quelle, )
Ø Subject
Ø Definite
and indefinite articles: singular and plural.
Ø Negative
Ø Verbs
at the present tense :avoir, être and high-frequency verbs
Ø Double
verb construction.
Ø Adjective
and adjective agreement
Possessive adjective (ma, ta, sa, mon.ton.son, mes, tes, ses)
Prepositions : derrière,
devant, sur, sous.
5O1: Students will follow/give
basic classroom instructions (playing a game).
5O2: Students will ask
and answer simple questions using complete sentences.
5O3: Students will use visual and
verbal cues to understand and convey the meaning of familiar material.
5O4:Students will use some
conventions of oral language (pronunciation, intonation) to speak in
rehearsed contexts
5O5: Students will
respond to oral texts using simple but complete sentences.
5O6: Students will give
an oral presentation of 5 to 10 sentences in length.
5R1: read aloud familiar
material, using correct pronunciation and intonation
5R2: read at least six simple passages or stories (e.g.,
greeting cards, song lyrics);
5R3: read and respond briefly to written
materials by answering short questions or restating information. (e.g., answer short questions, fill in missing
words, draw a picture, select answers);
5W1: copy and write simple words,
phrases, and short sentences and questions, using basic vocabulary and very
simple language structures;
5W2: write, using a model, a first
draft and corrected version in guided and cooperative writing tasks (e.g.,
greeting cards);
5W3: write responses to very simple
5W4: use and spell the vocabulary appropriate
for this grade level.
Diagnostic and
review: teacher does the gestures and students say the
words and do the gestures.
class work.
class participation
French spontaneously with teacher and peers.
(subject to modification)
Test 1: choisis le bon
mot, les mots en ordre and vocabulary
Vrai ou
Test 2 : Les questions totales
oral and written
Test 3 : Les
questions partielles. Choisis le bon mot oral
Oral test: retelling the story.
Play presentation
in the cooperative writing.
Maybe a
final writing project?
second half of term 2
-Story 2: Le Chat Angora
The story
is about Chat Angora, a not very intelligent detective, who is chasing the
criminal Madame Rat, a very intelligent rat. His assistant, Charlie the dog
bring him a cue that is the letter R. Wanda the bird brings him the letter I
and finally a mysterious personage gives him the letter Z. With the 3 letters,
the cat can’t solve the mystery until the rat comes out of the bag of rice
and show him the word RIZ (rice) and tells him “I am in the bag of rice”.
When the cat wants to cuff the rat, the latter asks the detective to get it
some food. The cat goes to fetch some food for the rat that flees away. When
the detective comes back with the food, he doesn’t find the criminal.
activities :
Same as first
story, plus:
Ø Choisis le
bon mot: oral and written. New version (choosing from a word bank)
Ø Rimming
Ø French
Africa cultural activity.
Ø Retelling
the story. Cooperative writing
Ø Story
extension. Cooperative creative writing
Ø Games:
competition between groups, Madame dit…
Language structures:
Ø Pronoun “on”
Ø Double
verb construction
Ø Contraction
Ø Opposite
Ø Present
and past tenses
Ø Adverbs,
adjectives /genger
Ø Vowels :
replacing e with ‘
Ø Conjunctions
Ø Possessive
and demonstrative adjectives
Ø Error
Same as first story plus:
5O6: make simple
revisions to oral language inform and content (e.g., correct use of gender),
using feedback from the teacher
5R4: use various reading strategies to
meaning and make sense of unfamiliar
words (e.g., visual and verbal cues, and use of context and patterns).
Same as first unit