Salam Everyone,
Students are given a family fun activities package (optional)!! Have fun playing together and enjoy the winter break!!
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Note From T. Nesreen (Arabic)
واجب اللغة العربية:
نسخ درس ( شكرا لكما) كاملا. موعدرالتسليم يوم الجمعة.
معلمة اللغة العربية
أ. نسرين زاهده
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Monster Slime
We will be making some monster slime on Thursday (inshAllah!!). Please remind your child to bring in the following:
1-White liquid glue
1-Bowl (medium size)
1-Spoon (big)
Some students have paired and divided up what to bring. JAK!!
1-White liquid glue
1-Bowl (medium size)
1-Spoon (big)
Some students have paired and divided up what to bring. JAK!!
Friday, 11 December 2015
Language: Bring in materials (cereal boxes, paint, construction papers, glue, scissors, etc.) for Product/Ad campaign- Due Monday
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
French Homework
French homework is due on Friday, Dec. 11th, 2015
Ma famille et moi
Activity one: match the questions on the left to the answers on the right
1. Comment s’appelle ta mère ? a. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
2. Tu as un animal à la maison ? b. Where do you live?
3. Ton frère, il a quel âge ? c. What is your mother’s name?
4. Tu as combien de frères et de sœurs ? d. Do you have a pet?
5. Où habites-tu ? e. How old is your brother?
Activity two: write the opposites of these words.
a. le neveu la nièce
b. le père ................................................................................................
c. la sœur ................................................................................................
d. la tante ................................................................................................
e. la grand-mère ................................................................................................
f. la cousine ................................................................................................
g. la fille ................................................................................................
h. la belle-mère ................................................................................................
i. l’arrière-grand-père ................................................................................................
j. le jumeau ................................................................................................
Activity three: unscramble these words to make sensible sentences.
a. m’ je Marie habite j’ une dans ville appelle s’appelle Nantes et qui
b. Père professeur est mon mère pas ne travaille ma et
c. école à de 5km chez mon est moi
d. cinq dans y personnes il famille a ma
e. n’ pas chien avons pas nous de
Activity four: unscramble these letters to form question words
a. mcmotne
b. qopuuroi
c. bcneimo
d. lleeuq
e. iuq
Friday, 4 December 2015
"Seed Mosaic" Art Project
Assalamu alaikom Dear Parents,
Each student should bring the following materials for a "Seed Mosaic" art project.
- Cardboard
- Seeds and beans of different sorts
- white glue
- fabric dye (optional)
JAK for your support.
Each student should bring the following materials for a "Seed Mosaic" art project.
- Cardboard
- Seeds and beans of different sorts
- white glue
- fabric dye (optional)
JAK for your support.
Social Studies: Complete Travel Brochure Questions Due Wednesday
-Detailed Map of the province/territory
-Population of weather reports
-list of major cities (5)
-List of major attractions with short descriptions (choose 5)
-Languages spoken
-What environmental issues is the province facing? Is there programs/stewardships that are helping?
Students can write their research findings on a lined piece of paper if they forgot their notebook or paper at school. JAK and have a wonderful weekend.
-Detailed Map of the province/territory
-Population of weather reports
-list of major cities (5)
-List of major attractions with short descriptions (choose 5)
-Languages spoken
-What environmental issues is the province facing? Is there programs/stewardships that are helping?
Students can write their research findings on a lined piece of paper if they forgot their notebook or paper at school. JAK and have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
A great Muslim kid activity pack for Christmas :)
Assalamu alaikom Dear Parents,
I really think this is so beneficial mashAllah
Tr. Marwa
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Scholastic Book Fair
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
I hope this email finds you well and in good health.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week, inshaAllah! For more information about the book fair, please look at our Scholastic Book Fair flyer.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.
Abraar School Library: Where Knowledge and Imagination Grow, One Student at a Time.
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)
School Librarian
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation.
Abraar School Library: Where Knowledge and Imagination Grow, One Student at a Time.
Secondary Campus: 1085 Grenon Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2B 8L7 | ph.613-820-0044 | fx.613-820-1495
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 ext.: 107 | fx. 613-226-2745
Find us on: Facebook | TwitterSupport Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)
Math and Science H.W.
Mid-Chapter review Q. (1&2) to be solved in H.W. notebook
Science package p. 21 Q. (1&2) and p. 22 Q. 2
Mid-Chapter review Q. (1&2) to be solved in H.W. notebook
Science package p. 21 Q. (1&2) and p. 22 Q. 2
Monday, 30 November 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Arabic Updates (Tr. Nesreen)
لأهالي الكرام,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته, و بعد,
بناءا على الخلق المستهدف من قبل المدرسة للإسبوع الماضي و هو ( لا للتنمّر), أو ما يعرف بالعامية ( لا للبلطجة), قام الطلبة بمشاهدة الرابط التالي للدكتور وليد فتيحي:
تفاعل الطبة بشكل رائع و كذلك قاموا بإلقاء بعض القصص و وصف بعض المشاهد باللغة العربية الفصيحة استنكارا لمواقف التنمّر في الحياة الواقعية و المدرسيّة.
و أخيرا, طبّق التلاميذ الأعزاّء عملا فنيا لهذا الهدف مستعينين بأدوات الاستفهام التي تمت دراستها خلال الأيام الماضية كما يتضح في الصورة.
بارك الله في جهود أبنائنا الأعزاء , و إلى الأمام.
معلمة اللغة العربية
نسرين زاهده
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Quran Updates (Tr. Hadia)
please help your child practice ayas 21-30 from Surat Al-Muddathir for our weekly quiz this Friday Nov. 27th inshallah
Baraka Allahu feekom
Math and Science Updates
Assalamu alaikom,
- Math H.W. : Workbook p. 21 (due tomorrow)
- Students have to find 1 t-chart and 1 bar graph from newspapers or magazines and bring them to class on Monday Nov. 30.
- Students will have a science test on Monday that covers the habitat unit.
The test will include:
- Habitats: (definition - kinds of habitats - how animals adapt )
- How do humans affect natural habitats?
- Food chains
- The definition of producers - consumers - decomposers - scavengers- carnivores - herbivores - omnivores.
- Destruction of habitats (by natural forces/ human activities)
Tr. Marwa
- Math H.W. : Workbook p. 21 (due tomorrow)
- Students have to find 1 t-chart and 1 bar graph from newspapers or magazines and bring them to class on Monday Nov. 30.
- Students will have a science test on Monday that covers the habitat unit.
The test will include:
- Habitats: (definition - kinds of habitats - how animals adapt )
- How do humans affect natural habitats?
- Food chains
- The definition of producers - consumers - decomposers - scavengers- carnivores - herbivores - omnivores.
- Destruction of habitats (by natural forces/ human activities)
Tr. Marwa
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Monday, 23 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Math and Science Updates!
Assalamu alaikom,
1) Insha'Allah, on Monday Nov. 16 the students will have a math test that will cover the following topics:
- Place Value
- Expanded and standard forms
- Comparing and ordering numbers
- Multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000
- Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000
2) please sign science test (if you didn't do so already) - Here are some questions you could ask your son/daughter while reviewing the test:
a- What did you do well?
b- Pick one thing you did really well, and explain it.
c- What do you need to improve on for future tests?
d- What steps can you take to improve your scientific knowledge?
3) Science Diorama and Poster are due on Mon. Nov. 16th insha'allah.
4) Food Chain project is due on Friday Nov. 13th.
1) Insha'Allah, on Monday Nov. 16 the students will have a math test that will cover the following topics:
- Place Value
- Expanded and standard forms
- Comparing and ordering numbers
- Multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000
- Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000
2) please sign science test (if you didn't do so already) - Here are some questions you could ask your son/daughter while reviewing the test:
a- What did you do well?
b- Pick one thing you did really well, and explain it.
c- What do you need to improve on for future tests?
d- What steps can you take to improve your scientific knowledge?
3) Science Diorama and Poster are due on Mon. Nov. 16th insha'allah.
4) Food Chain project is due on Friday Nov. 13th.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Monday, 9 November 2015
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Arabic H.W. (Tr. Nesreen)
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
تلاميذي الأعزاء, الرجاء تكملة جميع تمارين كتاب القراءة و كتاب القواعد التي لم يتم تكملتها من قبل الطالب فيما تم دراسته و تطبيقه مسبقا. سأقوم بتجميع الكتب خلال الأسبوع القادم لتصحيحها.
الأهالي الكرام, أرجو الاطلاع على نتائج اختبار القراءة للغة العربية, و توقيع النتيجة, و إعادتها يوم الإثنين.
جزاكم الله خيرا
Friday, 6 November 2015
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Math H.W.
W.B. p. 15 and 17
Please sign math test and send back with your child tomorrow.
Scholastic book orders are due Friday 13th, 2015
Please sign math test and send back with your child tomorrow.
Scholastic book orders are due Friday 13th, 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
Friday, 30 October 2015
Class Updates!
Art: Pointillism art due Tuesday
Math H.W.: W.B p. 13
Math package due Monday (please check it and sign the front page )
Math H.W.: W.B p. 13
Math package due Monday (please check it and sign the front page )
Arabic Reading Test (Tr. Nesreen's Class)

إلى الأهالي الكرام:
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
سيعقد اختبار القراءة للغة العربية للصف
الرابع في يوم الإثنين القادم الموافق 2 نوفمبر 2015 بمشيئة الله. سيتم الاختبار في جميع النّصوص التي تمت دراستها , و معاني الكلمات التي في
الكتاب, و الأسئلة التالية من التمرين الأول ( أجيب عن الأسئلة ) :
1-" لغتي الجميلة " : الفقرة 1, 2 من السؤال الأول.
2- " الحاسوب " : الفقرة 2, 3 من السؤال الأول.
3- " لا بدّ أن نتعاون " : الفقرة 1, 3 من السؤال الأول.
ملاحظة: ( تم حل جميع الأسئلة في كتاب أو
دفتر اللغة العربية للطالب).
عند تسجيل علامة الطالب , سيؤخذ بعين
الاعتبار المهارات التالية:
مستوى التقويم
مهارات التقويم
4 3 2 1
القراءة الصحيحة للكلمات و الجمل
4 3 2 1
التهجئة الصحيحة للحركات
4 3 2 1
فهم معاني المفردات
4 3 2 1
فهم و استيعاب النص و الإجابة عن الأسئلة
مع تمنياتي لتلاميذي الأعزاء كل النجاح و
التوفيق. و جزاكم الله خيرا لحسن تعاونكم.
معلمة اللغة العربية
نسرين زاهده
Language Homework
Business Letter due Monday
Paragraph 1: Introduction + Topic
Paragraph 2: 4 Reasons
Paragraph 3: Suggestion
+ Must use 3 Transition words
Have a wonderful weekend :)
Paragraph 1: Introduction + Topic
Paragraph 2: 4 Reasons
Paragraph 3: Suggestion
+ Must use 3 Transition words
Have a wonderful weekend :)
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Quran Updates:)
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Parents;
Mashallah your child has finished memorizing Surat Al-Qiyama.
Inshallah they will be tested on the whole Surah and its vocabulary next Wednesday, Nov 4th.
Please help them be ready, and attached is the list of vocabulary for your convenience.
Tr. Hadia Arabi Katbi
Quraan Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation
Quraan Teacher
Abraar School: Islamic Education for the Next Generation
Elementary Campus: 70 Fieldrow Street, Ottawa, ON K2G 2Y7 | ph.613-226-1396 | fx. 613-226-2745
Find us on: Facebook | Twitter
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)
Support Abraar by Donating Online: Donate Now (all donations are tax deductible)
Day of Resurrection
yawmi alqiyamat
الْقِيَامَةِ يَوْمِ
His Bones
present life
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